How do we calculate your energy savings?
The more energy you save, the more you earn with Meltek!

Save Watt-Hours and Earn Money - It's That Easy!
Meltek offers a free energy-saving program that pays you for saving energy during peak demand hours. How do we calculate your energy savings and reward you accordingly?
Based on your smart meter (AMI) data, we take an average of your electricity usage over a ten-day period in a similar hour. We refer to it as your baseline.
For example, we’ll look at the hour on a Wednesday from 2-3pm and find the average from the previous ten weekdays. We use your usage over the most recent three weekend days if it’s a weekend. If your average over the ten days is 1.7 kWh, your average watt-hours would be 1,700. Your forecasted watt-hours would be 1700 for that one hour, and 1,700 would be your baseline.
Your goal would be to use less than 1,7 kwh during that same hour. Let's say you only use 1.3 kWh; you’ll have saved 400 watt-hours! The more watt-hours (energy) saved, the more money you can earn in rewards, which can be directed transferred to your bank through stripe or redeemed for a gift card, donated to charity, used to buy carbon offsets or plant trees in sensitive forests.
It is important to note that if you use more than 1,700 watt-hours during the hour, say 1,800 watt-hours, it would have a negative impact on your accumulated balance, and you will not be paid for that day. Don't worry; we will not take money from you, nor will you have to pay Meltek.
We do not count holidays and the hours from previous energy-saving event days when you have reduced your consumption into the weekday calculation because it could lower your average forecast and unfairly penalize you for saving energy! As part of our promise to be engaging and transparent, you’ll be able to log into your Meltek account to see how well you’ve done — keep in mind that sometimes your meter data could take a few days to calculate. Don’t worry; we will send you reminders when it’s been calculated and you’ve been rewarded for saving energy. Meltek aims to rewards our users as soon as possible when we get your energy data back!*
The app shows how much energy you saved and your carbon impact in your energy dashboard!
* Meltek's rapid rewards system for saving energy is available for Con Edison and Orange & Rockland customers except in PSEG Long Island territory, where the utility's limitations currently prevent us from calculating rewards as quickly as we would like.
Based on your smart meter (AMI) data, we take an average of your electricity usage over a ten-day period in a similar hour. We refer to it as your baseline.
For example, we’ll look at the hour on a Wednesday from 2-3pm and find the average from the previous ten weekdays. We use your usage over the most recent three weekend days if it’s a weekend. If your average over the ten days is 1.7 kWh, your average watt-hours would be 1,700. Your forecasted watt-hours would be 1700 for that one hour, and 1,700 would be your baseline.
Your goal would be to use less than 1,7 kwh during that same hour. Let's say you only use 1.3 kWh; you’ll have saved 400 watt-hours! The more watt-hours (energy) saved, the more money you can earn in rewards, which can be directed transferred to your bank through stripe or redeemed for a gift card, donated to charity, used to buy carbon offsets or plant trees in sensitive forests.
It is important to note that if you use more than 1,700 watt-hours during the hour, say 1,800 watt-hours, it would have a negative impact on your accumulated balance, and you will not be paid for that day. Don't worry; we will not take money from you, nor will you have to pay Meltek.
We do not count holidays and the hours from previous energy-saving event days when you have reduced your consumption into the weekday calculation because it could lower your average forecast and unfairly penalize you for saving energy! As part of our promise to be engaging and transparent, you’ll be able to log into your Meltek account to see how well you’ve done — keep in mind that sometimes your meter data could take a few days to calculate. Don’t worry; we will send you reminders when it’s been calculated and you’ve been rewarded for saving energy. Meltek aims to rewards our users as soon as possible when we get your energy data back!*
The app shows how much energy you saved and your carbon impact in your energy dashboard!
* Meltek's rapid rewards system for saving energy is available for Con Edison and Orange & Rockland customers except in PSEG Long Island territory, where the utility's limitations currently prevent us from calculating rewards as quickly as we would like.